
Automated Integration Tests for Gerbera Media Server is build as separate Docker containers that can be started separately or integrated using docker-compose.
Below is documentation of the various use cases for the Gerbera Integration Suite.

UI Test Suite

Automatically test Gerbera Media Server and its User Interface

UPNP Test Suite

Automatically test Gerbera Media Server and its UPNP Communication

Local Development

Run all containers and interact with runtime for local development

Containers - In Depth

Detailed look at the containers for Gerbera Integration

Gerbera Integration CLI

Using the gi command line to build and run gerbera-integration

Python Test Suite

The project contains a set of python tests which run the Gerbera Integration CLI to build the various containers and confirm they operate with the compiled source code.

To run the test suite execute the following command from the root project directory.

$ python -m unittest discover -s ./test

Python Test Suite Design

python tests